AniPlants - artificial grass figures

These very beautiful and decorative items made of artificial turf are as soft as a plush toy but still keep their shape.

They are the adornment of every modern garden, front yard or house entrance area.They have a great look and impress with their simplicity.

The artificial turf figures can be anchored to the ground with the attached loops and the supplied tent nails.

Of course, all artificial grass figures are weatherproof.

AniPlant's artificial grass figures are protected by utility models.

(AniPlants are protected by utility patent).

AniPlants with 35cm

53248 - AniPlants, Grasfigur, "Hund" stehend, Gartendeko, 35cm
53249 - AniPlants, Grasfigur, "Eichhörnchen", klein, Gartendeko, 35cm
53250 - AniPlants, Grasfigur, "Bär", frontal, klein, Gartendeko, 35cm
53252 - AniPlants, Grasfigur, "Fuchs", klein, Gartendeko, 35cm
53255 - AniPlants, Grasfigur, "Bär" seitlich, Gartendeko, 35cm
53257 - AniPlants, Grasfigur, "Elefant", Gartendeko, 35cm
53259 - AniPlants, Grasfigur, "Fuchs" liegend, Gartendeko, 35cm

53262 - AniPlants, Grasfigur, "Hund" sitzend, klein, Gartendeko, 35cm
53266 - AniPlants, Grasfigur, "Pilz", klein, Gartendeko, 35cm
53267 - AniPlants, Grasfigur, "Hase", Gartendeko, 35cm
53274 - AniPlants, Grasfigur, "Schaf" stehend, Gartendeko, 35cm
53276 - AniPlants, Grasfigur, "Hund" pinkelnd, Gartendeko, 35cm

AniPlants with 50cm

53251 - AniPlants, Grasfigur, "Bär", frontal, groß, Gartendeko, 50cm
53253 - Aniplants, Grasfigur, "Fuchs", groß, Gartendeko, 50cm

53254 - AniPlants, Grasfigur, "Bär" seitlich, Gartendeko, 50cm
53256 - AniPlants, Grasfigur, "Elefant", Gartendeko, 50cm
53258 - AniPlants, Grasfigur, "Fuchs" liegend, Gartendeko, 50cm
53260 - AniPlants, Grasfigur, "Hund" stehend, Gartendeko, 50cm
53261 - AniPlants, Grasfigur, "Hund" sitzend, groß, Gartendeko, 50cm
53263 - AniPlants, Grasfigur, "Eichhörnchen", groß, Gartendeko, 50cm
53264 - AniPlants, Grasfigur, "Hase", Gartendeko, 50 cm

53265 - AniPlants, Grasfigur, "Pilz", groß, Gartendeko, 50cm
53275 - AniPlants, Grasfigur, "Schaf" stehend, Gartendeko, 50cm

53277 - AniPlants, Grasfigur, "Hund" pinkelnd, Gartendeko, 50cm

AniPlants with 65cm

53282 - AniPlants, Grasfigur, "Eichhörnchen", Gartendeko, 65cm

AniPlants with 70cm


53280 - AniPlants, Grasfigur, "Kreuz", Gartendeko, 70cm

AniPlants with 80 cm

53283 - AniPlants, Grasfigur, "Eichhörnchen", Gartendeko, 80cm

AniPlants with 100cm

53281 - AniPlants, Grasfigur, "Kreuz", Gartendeko, 100cm
53284 - AniPlants, Grasfigur, "Eichhörnchen", Gartendeko, 100cm

AniPlants in the garden

Do you have any questions about our products? Then contact us.

Telefon: +49 7151 20574 0

Fax: + 49 7151 20574 44
